Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Baby # 2!

Well we found out yesterday that we are having another baby BOY! I am sure that Logan and the new little one will be terrors together since they will only be 18 months apart but we are excited to have two little guys around.

The ultrasound went pretty good. We saw him sucking his thumb, quite well may I add and Scott said that Logan MUST have taught him that one! He was wiggling his legs like crazy and moving around well.

There was one abnormality. The doctor saw a small white spot on his heart. This is called a Echogenic intracardiac focus (EIF). Here is a little bit about and (EIF)...."This is thought to represent mineralization, or small deposits of calcium, in the muscle of the heart. EIFs are found in about 3-5% of normal pregnancies and cause no health problems.
Researchers have noted an association between an EIF and a chromosome problem in the baby.

Types of chromosome problems that are occasionally seen include Trisomy 18 or Trisomy 21 (Down syndrome). In the case of an isolated EIF, and no other ultrasound findings, some studies show that the risk for a chromosome abnormality is approximately two times a woman’s background risk. Other studies report up to a 1% risk for Down syndrome when an EIF is seen on a second trimester fetal ultrasound exam."

So all and all we have a small risk of having a little boy with Down Syndrome. We hope of course that this is not the case but if it is the case we are not scared. I truly believe that those children are amazing. They are always SO happy and seem delightful. Of course there would be trials that go along with having DS but how will we ever grow in this life if we never having anything pushing us?!

Now it is just a waiting game. We won't know anything else until we see the little guys face! I could have more testing done but to me there is no reason. He either has it or he doesn't. If he has it I will love him the same as I do Logan and I will take him home the same as I did Logan, hopefully!!!


heidizinha said...

congrats cally on having another boy!

i have a niece with a chromosome 18 abnormality (not trisome), and she is amazing. it's challenging, for sure...but i can't imagine our family without her!

here's hoping for the best, whatever that is.


David and Kaitlyn said...

YEAH!!!! Another boy means another chance that we'll be in-law-in-laws... of course if she marries little Manti (yes, I've named him in the tradition that you started) that'll mean she's a cougar... we'll see...

Brittany said...


Meris said...

I had no have no indications of a "bun in the oven"...Congratulations!!!

megantonesforever said...

Yippie, another baby boy! Congratulations you two, although I have no idea how to have boys. I guess that's my husbands problem.

When our first was 5 months in the womb we thought she had something wrong with her heart. Turned out to be nothing. Whatever happens, if anything with your sweet baby will only be a blessing.

Vic, Linds, and the girls... said...

CONGRATS!! I think it is so fun to have the same sex in a row. My girls are the best of friends.

Sharalea said...

Congratulations! 2 boys so close in age will be SO MUCH FUN! :) THanks for being such an inspiration with your faith in hope and your love for your growing-in-utero baby! You are amazing! Keep it up--

austinamasandra said...

Parabens pelos 2 meninos. I wanted to have my girls closer in age but I guess it wasn't meant to be.

You guys are such an inspiration to us! Thank you for sharing your thoughts are feelings. como o Presidente soares costumava dizer: "tudo vai dar certo!" :)

I want to be inn so here's my e-mail:

janae said...

Congratulations!!! Having the two boys close together is a challenge, for sure, but a blessing as well. Blessing one: when my kids wake up, they play together rather than cry. Love that. Blessing two: constant playmate. Love that one too. The list goes on a on. As for the heart thing - good luck. Seara had a small hole in her heart for a while, and I cried like a baby, but things turned out fine. But even if they don't, I'm sure the Lord is well aware of the whole situation and knows exactly what is right for your family. You're amazing!