Monday, December 29, 2008

A Sunday Change

Well last Sunday was my second time I went to church since Logan was born. We almost didn't make it to sacrament though because of baby stuff at the house. I am so glad we did. It ends up that the boundaries have changed for our ward. We are now going to the 4th ward which is in a different church building and unfortunately starts at 9:00 am again. We were looking forward to going to church at 1:00pm for a whole year. Plus in the same meeting a new bishop was called. The person who was called is an incredible man, Brother Bowcutt. He was our institute teacher when we were in the singles ward. He also gave my aunt Brenda a blessing once that was absolutely incredible. We are sad to say that he won't be our bishop. We are excited though to meet new people and make new friends. There are reasons for everything. We are happy to say though that we don't have to go alone. Some of our favorite couples from our old ward are moving to this ward as well.
Here are some different outfits he has been in this week. Plus bath time and cuddling with Ms. Blackie. We don't really allow this that often but when we do it is really cute!

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Thursday, December 25, 2008

This is Logan's first Christmas so we thought we would try to film a small part of it. Please dismiss our voices.....just watch him!!!

Here is Mr. Logan crying just a little bit. He doesn't cry too much but when he does it is sometimes really cute. He is so innocent and always just wants milka milk...that is what we call it!

First Christmas Eve PJs!

Logan says,"I was sleeping when my parents decided to wake me up to open a present. I am very excited as you can tell. What could it be?"

"Christmas PJs from grandma and grandpa Nichols!! Yippy!

"I am still sleeping but I love my new pjs! Thanks grandma and grandpa!"

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Just a few pictures!

Here are my new overalls!! They still are a little big but I'm growing fast!!!
Just thought I would just come right out and show everyone my deformed toe. It is smaller than all the rest and barely has a toe nail. It is like my mom's toe. My other foot has a middle toe that is bigger than the 2nd to biggest toe. That is from my dad. I am split right down the middle!

Logan's first video.

Monday, December 15, 2008

My favorite pair!

Is this not the cutest moment ever! Daddy and son asleep together. As you can tell by the second picture that Logan is quite cozy in this position! Scott isn't really asleep in the 2nd picture just so you know. That would be too safe. I don't think I think this is the most cozy I have seen Logan!

Bath time!

Warming up after bath time!!

This is Logan's 2nd bath since he was born. For now he has to get them on our kitchen counter next to our sink since he is only allowed to have sponge baths until his umbilical cord falls off. It is almost gone! Then on to real bath time in the tub!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

We are on our own!

Well it is almost two weeks since Logan Radley joined our family and we are now all by ourselves. Our parents were the biggest help.

Unfortunately my mom only had one night at the house with Logan. She was here for his birth and stayed with me one of the nights at the hospital so Scott could get a full nights rest. He definitely needed it. They helped out with watching our dogs while we were in the hospital and doing some house work and things. I have to say that all though my mom isn't a dog lover she is great with them. She TRIED to play with Chloe out back but when my mom would throw the Frisbee Chloe would never bring it back. It was hilarious. My dad on the other hand did his best to stay away from them. Especially Blackie since she would randomly bark at him for no reason.

Scott's parents were here for almost a full week. They helped out a ton as well. They had the chance to be at home with us for our first week. Pat never stopped moving. The laundry was always being done, dishes washed, bottles cleaned and the floors always vacuumed or swept. I have been trying to keep up with her routine and so far it is working out pretty good. My lactation consultant came over yesterday and said, "OK your house shouldn't be this clean with a new baby around!!" I told her I was kind of anal that way and that I liked cleaning. I think she thought I was nuts! Maybe I am but oh well.

We have done a few things outside of our house so far. We went to the mall for about 30 min. and then went out to eat at a sit down fast food restaurant. We learned our first lesson that day. Bring a stroller when you have a baby and are going to the mall. Poor Scott had to carry Logan in his car seat while we shopped. Luckily he isn't a 12 lb baby. We also have made one Walmart trip. I have yet to go any where by myself with Logan. I can't imagine not sitting in the back with him quite yet. Who will cover him when the sun gets in his face? I know I will get over all that but for now I am going to stick with Scott driving and me in the back. Granted this will all change tomorrow because Logan and I have some things we have to do and dad can't come. :(

One thing I wish I could have right now is my lactation consultant here 24/7. Or at least at every feeding. It is definitely the hardest thing I have ever done. I almost want to say that I would rather go through labor again than have to go through the first two weeks of breast feeding. If I have help it is AWESOME but by myself it is a bit difficult. When Logan and I get it on our own though it is the greatest thing in the world. I can't say that there is a better way to bond with your baby than breast feeding. Just looking at him while he is eating and knowing that I am giving him all he needs is a great feeling. Granted who knows how much longer this will be but I hope I can pull through it all. I used to think that people were crazy for giving up or not breast feeding. I now totally understand why. It is hard. It has brought me to my knees many of times to ask for help from Heavenly Father. I truly can't do it alone.

Well life as a mom still is the greatest things I have experienced yet. I love holding and rocking him to sleep and some times being the only one that can comfort him. I also love watching Scott take care of him and look at him. His face lights up every time he sees him. We love him SO much!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Labor and Delivery....BE WARE..could be graphic for some readers!

6 am Friday morning we arrived at the hospital so I could be induced. I was 40 weeks and 5 days preganant and ready to have a child. I was excited and nervous. I went into the hospital knowing I was going to do it with out an epidural so I was trying to prepare myself mentally.

We were admitted and got settled into the delivery room. My first nurse ended up being someone I heard a lot about but never met. She was my friends fiance. She was only my nurse for the first hour but it was nice to start the day off with a somewhat familiar face. My next nurse was Sherri. She was very nice and informative. She had me go through some practice runs for the actual pushing part of labor. At 7 am they start me on patocin. Scott and I sat watching the monitors with his heart beat and my contractions. At this point I had a smile on my face and was giggling. The nurse kept asking me, "ok you're having a contraction now, are you feeling these ones?" I felt them but nothing I hadn't felt before. She then said, "I will wait to ask you when you aren't giggling anymore!" At 10 am my doctor came in and checked me and I was a 2. She then broke my water for me and left. Around 12 I started to have to breath through my contractions but I was still up and down and feeling ok. I wasn't quite smiling anymore but still texting people and talking to Scotty. I would say around 4 is when I really started to have bad contractions. At that time I decided to get in the tub. That was great! After I got out my contractions felt worse because of how great it felt to be in the tub. Unfortunately I could only be in the tub for 30 min. because they had to keep me on the monitor. Around 5 my doctor checked me and I was at a 6. She was very impressed. I wasn't. I wanted to be at a 10 and pushing. At this time I started to feel more little urges to bare down. At that point I decided to ask for some IV pain meds. She gave it to me and it made me loopy and sleepy. I imagined that the medicine would take all my pain away for a while but it just took the edge off for about 30 min. Just enough to relax. At around 6 pm I started to feel the urge to push. The pain of these contractions got to the point that I almost wanted to cry. The nurse came in and I told her how I was feeling and she said she would call the doctor to check me. The doctor was supposed tp be back in 30 min but the nurse said if it got too unbearable to let her know. About 20 min later I called her back in and told her my contractions were constant. She finally decided to check me and I was at a 10, 100% effaced and she could feel his head. The doctor told the nurse that we could start with little pushes until she could make it in the room. The Dr. had 3 other ladies in labor at the same time so she was quite busy. I started to push around 6:50 with the nurse. Right in the middle of it all was shift change so I met a new nurse at quite a weird time. I really liked this nurse though. She was young and sooo helpful. Around 7:45 my doctor came to help me through pushing. She was so great. She took her shoes off and sat at the end of the bed with her feet up. It was nice not being in stirrups and having a doctor down there watching. She was up close and personal. Scott was great holding my leg and wiping my face down with a cool wash cloth and then fanning me with some random paper thing he found in the room. I wasn't one to have Scott rub my back all day. I just felt like laboring by myself but I was so grateful to have him right there with me during the really important part. During the middle of pushing my doctor wheeled something over to the end of my bed. I didn't know what it was until she flipped it around, a MIRROR! I was a little freaked out about this but in the end I am so glad I watched it all. I could see the progress I was making by seeing his head move and it made me push harder and longer. At this time I asked the doctor if any of the pushes I was doing could be the one that would make his head just pops out. She made a face like not really but she did say that she was pretty sure I would have a child by 8:30. I quickly was looking around the room to see the time, it was 8:05ish. The nurse laughed at me cause she new I was holding my doctor to her word. Around 8:20 I looked at the clock again and thought, "ok this is it. I will have a baby in the next 10 min." I really gave it all I had and at 8:28 Mr. Logan Radley Nichols was born. I was in shock! I couldn't believe that something so beautiful and large was inside me.

He didn't cry right away. They had to suction out his mouth for a min. and then Scott cut the cord. They wiped him off and gave him to me for about 30 sec and then took him to really suction his mouth out and get him a little cleaner. That was about 2 min and then they came to hand him to me but I told him to give him to his dad. While he was getting cleaned off I looked over at Scotty and saw him with his head down pondering the moment. As he looked up at me we both had tears in our eyes and a smile on our face. I love Soctty so much and am SO grateful that he truly is the father of my child.

I can't even describe in words how much I love my son and also how much more I love my husband. It is amazing to think that Heavenly Father loves each person in this world even more than I love Logan and that blows my mind away. Being a mom is the greatest things I have experienced in my life and it has only been 5 days since he came into our life. We both could sit and watch him for hours. Every face he makes me smile. I get teary eyed through out the day just thinking that he is mine and that I get ot keep him FOREVER!!!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Monday, December 1, 2008


Here a few pics from Scott's phone. I will putsome better ones up later today.