Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Our new dog and Chrsitmas!

Below the writing I put some photos of some of the things I talked about in the this blog.

So Blackie, the new dog, was a a neighbors dog down the street from us. When we would take Chloe on walks we would always see here and they would play forever together. She was the sweetest dog to us and to Chloe. So everyday we would hope to see Blackie out of her fence so Chloe could play with her. We kept seeing her for about a month or so and as we started to get to know her we would pet her and get kisses from her. We realized that she had a ton of ticks on her and was really timid. So she followed us home one day and I though, "since your here I will get some of those ticks off of you." She was soo nice the whole time. So then we finally got the courage to talk to the owners and ask them if they wanted there dog. They obviously didn't really care about it so we wanted to help her. We talked to them and they didn't want her so we took her in. She is at the vet today and she is very healthy. Just a few hook worms which clear up quickly. So for now have two dogs until we decided if we are going to find a good home for her or keep her. It actually makes life a little less stressful with two because Chloe always has someone around to play with. It doesn't make house work less stressful but oh well. We'll see what we decide.

Christmas was fun! The Sunday night before Christmas Eve our cousins Wil and Jarrod slept over. We made cookies, pulled taffy, watched movies and just played around. It was a great great night. We were all laughing til we cried. There is a pic. of the boys and I pulling taffy. Then Christmas Eve morning we went out to do some last min. shopping with the boys and then back home they went.

Christmas Eve was a quite one. Scott and I and the dogs just stayed home and had a fire out back and watched a few Christmas movies. Scott was sweet and made a simple dinner but by candle light. There is a picture of that also. For lunch that day we made homemade tuna tar tar and seared tuna. It was SO yummy!

Christmas morning was good. We woke up around 8:30ish and Santa had come to leave presents!!! Scott got me concert tickets to the Keith Urban and Carrie Underwood concert and a digital frame. We might turn in the digital frame for a new digital camera though cause mine is not doing so good. Scott got a big remote control airplane and an ipod! He was pretty excited. We got other gifts from family that were so fun and we were so grateful that we had something from them. It made us feel like we were home. Scott then made Sticky buns for us and our family. They were tasty. For dinner we went over to my uncles to have a mixture of things for dinner; pulled pork, fish, potatoes, veggies and of course dessert! Then we played guitar hero for about two hours and some of their other games Wil and Jarrod got for Christmas. My uncle tried playing guitar hero but it didn't work out so good. I guess old folks just don't got it in them any more!! Ha Ha! One of my aunt's best friends and their family came over there as well and they all had Nerf gun wars. It was fun to watch them all run around like crazy! To end the night the boys and Scott and I watched part of It's a Wonderful Life by the fire and then home sweet home we went!

With all the events leading up to this Christmas seemed like it was going to be a little sad but it was a very good and happy holiday anyways.

The New Bathroom!

Last time I put up pictures of our bathroom it was torn apart. Now we have a put together cute bathroom that we are proud of. We still have the little details to finish up but you guys can't see that in the pictures....he he! Here it is!!!

It is nice having a bathroom again!

My Aunt Brenda's Passing

On November 29th my aunt Brenda passed away from breast cancer. She was the reason I came to Florida in the first place. It was a very bitter sweet moment when it all happened. Although my Brenda was young and still had a lot of life to live, it was time for her to go back "home." She battled cancer for about 5 years with about a year off when she was in remission. She pretty much seemed like she didn't have cancer until 6 months before she passed. She would have energy and do about a million things a day, plus be a great mom to her twin boys, Wil and Jarrod, who are 11. She was in a lot of pain for about 5 months and then was in severe pain the last week or so before her passing.

I had the chance to sit with her in the hospital for about 5 hours and just hold her hand 2 days before she passed. Before that we had a great Thanksgiving with her and her family and just enjoyed the holiday.

I have to say that Scott and I were somewhat prepared for this moment. We new that something was going to happen and that we needed to emotionally be ready for it. Her husband and boys are doing awesome. There isn't a better way to handle all this than how those three boys are handling it. We have all had great peace with all of this which is nice.

We know with out a doubt that Brenda is up in heaven preparing for eternity. She is happy and is in no more pain!! Yeah! We love her dearly and miss her greatly!

Friday, October 19, 2007

Chloe is BIG!

Just thought I would do a little fun post to show you how big Chloe has got since we bought her.

Here she is around 6 lbs


Here she is around 55 lbs.

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Of course Scott put this soccer shirt on her....she is pretty good at kicking the ball around with her nose!! She also likes to think she is a human by getting up on the toilet to reach the sink for a little taste of water...or soap! Whatever she feels like that day!

About two weeks ago she got spayed so we had to keep her calm, which was not an easy task. She has soo much energy and if we don't take her on runs with us she gets a little crazy. She is becoming such a sweet good dog though. We think she is almost over her biting stage which is GREAT! She will still be in chew mode though for the next year or so :(

Our first house project!

So Scott and I finally decided to tackle our ugly dark green bathroom. We haven't liked it since we moved in but we just haven't been motivated to do anything about it. Finally one day I decided to take everything down and out of the bathroom and to start priming. Well we had a few surprises when I started taking down lights and cabinets and such. The paint started to come off like wall paper so I just went with it. Then behind some of the paint/wall paper I found two big holes in the wall that the previous owners tried to cover up with masking tape and spackle. Not the greatest idea!! We also found a little bit of mold and some other little things. So we decided to replace the sheet rock to repair all of our wonderful surprises! We are just now getting all the paint off the walls and are about to start ripping out the old sheet rock. This will be fun and exciting seeing that we have never done anything like this before!! Here are some "in the process" pictures. I will post some more as we continue the project.

The Dog Park.

One of our weekend activities that we have been doing lately is taking Chloe to the dog park. We love to watch her play with the other dogs. She does have her two favorite dogs, Newton and Storm. Newton is one of my friends dogs that we are currently watching at night while she is at work. he is a Doxin. Storm is my aunt's dog which is a Portuguese Water dog, although he HATES the water if it is more than about foot deep. Here are some pictures of them all in the baby pool and running around. This particular day we took my twin cousins with us, since their dog was going with us.

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The Thriller!

Last week was Mainline's (Scott's work) annual Chili Cook Off! With that they had some competitions between departments. The competition was different dances and skits. It was so fun to watch. The employees didn't have to participate but Scott is a good sport he joined in. His department had to dress up like the guys in Thriller and do the dance from the movie "Thirteen Going on Thirty" Of course Scott was sooo out of his comfort zone but he still did a great job. He said that he might even take up professional dancing for his new career!! Ha Ha! Here are some photos from the dance.

Monday, September 3, 2007

Some random pictures of our house and our dog

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Just thought I would do a quick little update. These are a few pictures that I took awhile ago but haven't had to time to do anything with them.

Scott and I just started school. He is taking one class which is 4 days a week and I am taking two which are 2 days a week. I no longer have my day time job which is nice but I picked up an extra shift at my serving job. I going to start to clean for my aunt Brenda that is here once a week to get her on top of things. She isn't up and going like she usually is right now but I am sure that won't last long. Scott is still working at Mainline everyday and fitting in that one class. He wanted to take more but it ended up that his work wouldn't allow him too. He is just happy that he is taking at least one class so that he doesn't have to reapply for the graduate program again...FEW!!!

Scott's mom, dad, brother Nate and his family, Kristen and Hattie were all out to see us 2 weeks ago. It was such a blast. I will put up some of those pictures later. We went body surfing, went on nature walks, ate great meals and got to do some great family bonding. We enjoyed getting to know Hattie a little more since we haven't been around Ut lately. She was quite the entertainment. Plus we had Chloe loving every second of the beach while we were there. She is such a water dog. She will swim with her head completly under water for about 8 secs to try and find a toy or save anyone that she thinks is drownding. It is hilarious.

Well that is it for now!!!

Friday, August 3, 2007

Complicated week.....

This week has been a tough one for my family. My aunt who has breast cancer is having complications this week. She is going in for a blood transfusion this morning which will hopefully boost her cells. It is always hard watching someone you love go through such a hard time. We can only hope and pray with much faith that she will continue strong and pull through this one. Her twin boys will be with Scott and I this weekend and into next week. We love them so much are happy that we are able to be here to help out. They are such troopers through this whole thing. No fun pictures this week! I have been waiting to take pictures of our house but it keeps raining here so the out side of our house looks like no one lives in it because the grass hasn't been cuts in 2 and a half weeks!! YIKES! Granted we NEED the rain here but hopefully tomorrow will be sunny for just a little bit. Then the boys and I can do some gardening! Ha Ha! They will love that I am sure!

Friday, July 27, 2007

Last pictures of the day

This is the last post of the day. This one of her is my favorite picture because she looks very mature and you can see all her muscles she is developing. The other picture is her paw in Scott's hand. It is almost as big as his. This means she will be a giant!!!

Our niece Hattie!

This is Ms. Hattie. She is Scott's brother's litle girl. She is so dang cute. This picture is also from when I was in Utah. She was being a big girl with ehr mommy's shoes!

Baby Jack in Utah.

This is from when I was in Utah. I went to visit my friend who just had a baby. This is him....JAck! Not the big one, the little guy. :) He was so fun to meet! Tyson is my Nephew who LOVED holding Jack!

Chloe's Size

Just a quick picture to show you how big she is getting. Plus a little small shot of the corner of our kitchen! By the way we usally don't let her put her paws on the counter but we wanted her to stand so you could see how tall she is.

The Week of Work!

This week has been quite a long week thus far and it will continue into next. Not much has happened other than I really haven't seen my husband or talked to family in about a week. I have been working about 15 hours days right now between both my jobs. Only one more week to go and it will be back to normal! YEAH!

Scott is starting school again! He is sooo excited to be in the physics program! He has a year of undergraduate work to do and then he will officially be in the graduate physics program. We are waiting to find out how he is going to work out his school schedule plus his work schedule. We are hoping he will be able to work remotely so that he can still work as much. I also get to go to school this fall but not in the physics program! Thank goodness. I will leave that smart nerdy stuff up to him. Just kidding. I am still working on my prerequisites for nursing, even though I am debating that major at the moment. I have a lot of things that I want to do and I am just waiting to make a decision.

Chloe, our puppy is growing up fast! Supposedly she is going to be massive! We have seen other puppies her age and they are SO much smaller than her. Puppies that are around 6 months old are around her size. We had no idea what we were getting ourselves into. We are enjoying training her though. She is a very funny dog. She LOVES LOVES the water. It doesn't matter where it is or how clean it is she loves it.

We are getting excited for Scott's family to come out to visit us. They are coming in 3 weeks. We are especially excited to see our niece Hattie who is around 18 months old. We haven't really been able to get to know her and play with her since we live so far away. I got to meet her 2 weeks ago and it was wonderful. We are also excited to see Nate and Kristen (Scott's brother and sister-in-law). They have never been here so that should make the visit exciting.

After these two weeks are up I am going to post a lot of pictures. I promise!

Friday, July 20, 2007


No fun pictures this time. Next time though.
I just got back from good old Utah. It was a very very short trip but it was worth it. Let me explain why it was short. I left my house in Tallahassee on Thursday night at 2am to drive to the Jacksonville airport. From there I got on a plane to JFK and got there at about 8:30am. There was a fun day awaiting me there.....12 hours of fun in the JFK airport! Best day ever! I wish. I finally left the airport at 9pm to travel to SLC. I stayed two great days and then left at 11:30pm and got to Jacksonville the next morning to drive 2 more hours back home. Those are the adventures of my travels!
The actual trip was great. I went to see my friends baby, JACK! He is so dang cute. He is 2 1/2 weeks old and is precious.
The rest of the time was spent with family, Scott's side and mine.
Scott and I are really excited because his parents and brother's family are coming out to visit us in about 2 weeks. We are going to go my aunt's beach house to hang out and get some sun! Until then it is just work work work!
Well that is it for now. Next time I will have pictures of my house and some other fun things!

Thursday, July 5, 2007

The update!

Ok we I have never done one of these blog things before but I decided to try it out. I have to admit that Brooke inspired me to try this out.
Well Scott and I have been married for about 8 months now. It has been a fun start. We got married on Nov. 11 and then left for our wonderful honeymoon to Mexico. We had a fabulous time. I think Scott had a little more fun than me because he had never been out side of the U.S. before! It was fun to hear him use some of his Spanish skills and me using my Portuguese skills.
We came home to a lovely apartment that we miss just a little bit. We now have a small humble house that we bought about 3 months ago. Man the work that comes along with a house is incredible. First you have to mow the lawn, then you have to water it (unless you don't mind crunchy brown grass), then it is off to gardening! I tell ya, I didn't sign up for all of this! Just kidding. It is nice to have your own things so you can do what you want.
About a month or so after we moved in we decided to make our life a little calmer and buy a dog!!! I wish!!!! Although dogs are not all that calm when you first get them, they are cute and fun! We just figure that Chloe is giving us the practice we need for when we start having kids!!!
Well that is all for now. I will try my best to keep up with this blogging thing. I will try to update every time I have a fun new picture to put up!!Good luck to me!!

The new addition to our family!

The first day of married life! Here we go!!!