Friday, October 19, 2007

Chloe is BIG!

Just thought I would do a little fun post to show you how big Chloe has got since we bought her.

Here she is around 6 lbs


Here she is around 55 lbs.

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Of course Scott put this soccer shirt on her....she is pretty good at kicking the ball around with her nose!! She also likes to think she is a human by getting up on the toilet to reach the sink for a little taste of water...or soap! Whatever she feels like that day!

About two weeks ago she got spayed so we had to keep her calm, which was not an easy task. She has soo much energy and if we don't take her on runs with us she gets a little crazy. She is becoming such a sweet good dog though. We think she is almost over her biting stage which is GREAT! She will still be in chew mode though for the next year or so :(