Friday, December 25, 2009
One of Logan's favorite Christmas gifts...a fish tank!!
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Baby # 2!
The ultrasound went pretty good. We saw him sucking his thumb, quite well may I add and Scott said that Logan MUST have taught him that one! He was wiggling his legs like crazy and moving around well.
There was one abnormality. The doctor saw a small white spot on his heart. This is called a Echogenic intracardiac focus (EIF). Here is a little bit about and (EIF)...."This is thought to represent mineralization, or small deposits of calcium, in the muscle of the heart. EIFs are found in about 3-5% of normal pregnancies and cause no health problems.
Researchers have noted an association between an EIF and a chromosome problem in the baby.
Types of chromosome problems that are occasionally seen include Trisomy 18 or Trisomy 21 (Down syndrome). In the case of an isolated EIF, and no other ultrasound findings, some studies show that the risk for a chromosome abnormality is approximately two times a woman’s background risk. Other studies report up to a 1% risk for Down syndrome when an EIF is seen on a second trimester fetal ultrasound exam."
So all and all we have a small risk of having a little boy with Down Syndrome. We hope of course that this is not the case but if it is the case we are not scared. I truly believe that those children are amazing. They are always SO happy and seem delightful. Of course there would be trials that go along with having DS but how will we ever grow in this life if we never having anything pushing us?!
Now it is just a waiting game. We won't know anything else until we see the little guys face! I could have more testing done but to me there is no reason. He either has it or he doesn't. If he has it I will love him the same as I do Logan and I will take him home the same as I did Logan, hopefully!!!
Friday, December 4, 2009
Going Private...
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Here is all of the toys that he got except for an awesome outfit that aunt Corie sent him that says "FEED ME" on the front of the shirt. That should be Logan's middle name. I have never seen a baby eat as much as him.....I swear.
I thought I would just let Logan know how much his mom and dad love him. This year has been one of the greatest years of our lives so far. We have loved to see you grow in all aspects of life and couldn't imagine not holding and cuddling our sweet little Logan every night and getting our sweet kisses in the mooring.
Our favorite times with you are just hanging out with you in your room right before bed when you have just got out of the bath and are waiting to be dressed for na-na time. You love to crawl around like crazy naked and then once you are dressed you head straight for your books or think it is time to use mom and dad for a jungle jim.
You bring such a smile to our faces every day with your cute little laugh that you seem to do every chance you get and the corky little things that you do. We love to see you fast asleep in your crib sleeping so peacefully and in the morning when we hear that cute little squeaky voice of yours that lets us know you are ready for the day!
I hope that we will have a great 2nd year together and that when it becomes the 4 of us in May that we will have even greater memories to share with you and your new sibling. We love you Logan and couldn't have asked for a better child to have as our little Loggy Bob!!!!
Friday, November 27, 2009
All of the ladies had a hand in preparing something for the dinner which was sooo scrumptious. Then we had a massive bonfire that the guys took care of that night.
Of course Logan was enjoying every second of the attention he was receiving from the family.
As you can tell by the hoodies and fire that it actually does get cold here. We all were FREEZING and then realized it was only 55 degrees outside! You really do become weenies once you are actually here, TRUST ME!!