Monday, November 1, 2010


So for Halloween our church has an activity called Trunk or Treat. People decorate their trunks and kids get to trick or treat at them.

My friend Jaclyn's little girl was Snow White so she had the idea of Logan being her prince charming since they are always together! Then her idea for the adults and Wesley was to be the seven dwarfs. There ended up being 5 dwarfs instead of 7 but it still turned out good. So for her trunk we decorated it as a coal mine. Scott made a box cart and we happened to have some bubble wrap stuff that looked like coal. My friend Kaitlyn made an axe and Scott copied it to make us all one, even Wesley.

So of course this idea came up on Monday afternoon so Tuesday night we went to the fabric store and got all of the material we needed to make a prince charming costume and dwarfs. Snow White already had her costume, thank goodness cause that would have been tricky. So Wednesday Jaclyn and Kaitlyn came over to start the project. That is when Kaitlyn made the axe and Jaclyn and I stayed up til midnight sewing our little fingers away.

All in all it all turned out great! The kids looked really cute and we were just goofy! We won most original for the trunk. Oh and I downloaded the hi ho hi ho song from snow white to play while kids trick or treated at the trunk! Like Scott says, its the details that really put you over the top!

Anyway thanks to Kaitlyn here are a few pictures.

Scott: Bashful Cally: Sleepy Jaclyn: Happy Cortney: Doc

Logan: Prince Charming Wesley: Dopey Gabrielle: Snow White


Sunday, October 17, 2010

What the boys are up to these days...

(quick side note, if you click on the post right before this one you will see pictures of the boys)

Wesley is 5 1/2 months old. He has rolled from front to back and back to front. He holds his head up and looks around while on his belly, which isn't often because he doesn't really like being on his belly. He also doesn't like to stay in a sitting position ever. What he likes is for you to hold him in a standing position and that is about it.

I have been enjoying watching him and Logan laugh at each other lately. Logan just loves it when Wesley kicks his legs, especially in his car seat. All of a sudden I will hear Logan cracking up and I'll look back to see Logan laughing at Wesley and all he is doing is moving his legs. Logan tries to make him laugh by getting close to his face and fake laugh. Sometimes Wesley thinks its funny and other times Wesley keeps a straight face. Wesley is good at keeping grumpy or straight faces. It takes some effort on our part to get him to smile.

2 weeks ago I finally had to admit to myself that Wesley was a colicky baby. I don't know why it took me so long to realize it but I am glad I finally did. I went to a doctors appointment for myself and we ended up talking about Wesley for about 30 min. She gave me a lot of good advice and it has helped tremendously! He was waking up about every 1 to 2 hours and not sleeping during the day and the doctor told me that I really had to let him cry it out because he needed more sleep. It just wasn't healthy for a 5 month old to be functioning on 5 hours of sleep. So we moved his crib into the office and have let him comfort himself, I like to call it that instead of cry it out. He has slept about 9 to 11 hours straight the last couple of nights so I guess it is working! He also was a bad spitter-upper and that has almost gone away!! Thank goodness because my laundry was getting out of control! He really likes to watch baby Einstein and to sit outside now that the weather is cooling off!

I finally understand what my sister-in-law meant when she said that one of her daughters wasn't cuddly. I now have one of those types of babies. I always thought that all babies were cuddly but NOPE! Wesley will not fall asleep while we are holding him. If it happens it is rare and I LOVE IT! He usually is always moving around while you hold him or arching his back so when he cuddles for those moments it is pure joy! Logan was the biggest cuddle bug and I miss it so I eat it up any chance I get with Wesley.

Logan has become a little man in the past 3 months. He is talking up a storm and running around like a crazy man. His favorite words are car, star, mommy, daddy, Wes and the alphabet. For some reason he is obsessed with the part of the alphabet that has the letters P Q and R. Every time he wants to color he asks you to draw a P then a Q then a R, EVERY TIME! He is pretty good at drawing and coloring. He holds his pen and markers the correct way and I swear I did not teach him that! Maybe we'll have an artist in the family...definitely noy taking after his mom!

Pumpkin Patch 2010

Its pumpkin patch time again! Here are a few pics from our day out!

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Lets Compare....

Logan at 3 months
Wesley at 3 months

Two Crazy Kids in Orlando

A few pictures of Wesley

Just thought i'd show their size difference.

Water Fun!

It is so blazing hot here that if we are out side we HAVE to be in the water so here are a few pictures of what we do for fun with water!

This is our neighbor friend Ebonee. She comes over and holds Wesley a lot and plays with Logan once and awhile. She is a great help, especially when Scott isn't around. She just LOVES holding Wesley!

My mom was so nice to send us this HUGE (that word is just for Jaclyn and Kaitlyn!) water slide. The kids loved it the first day but then they were scared of it the next time we brought it out. The adults don't mind it though.

If there isn't much going on Logan gets to just play with the hose and sprinkler. He loves it!

I think Logan looks pretty COOL here with his sun glasses and water shoes. He is ready to hit the water!