I have become the laziest blogger known to man....well actually I have become the laziest person known to man after 9pm. I lay there with Logan waiting for him to fall asleep and think about all the stuff I am going to do when he finally closes his eyes for good and then... NOTHING! I always say, "its too late to start a project. I need to get some sleep." Then I am up til midnight doing NOTHING! So I finally stopped blog stalking and decided to write something on my own blog!
Mr. Wesley sat up for the first time while Scott's parents were visiting in December. He is now sitting up all the time. He occasionally takes a tumble because he hasn't figured out how to keep his body from falling to the side. He likes to sit with a bucket of toys in front of him and take them out one by one. He really likes to investigate each toy by shaking it in all sorts of directions and putting it in his mouth, of course! He cut his first tooth about a month ago. I noticed a clear spot on his gums one morning while feeding him breakfast and I swear the next day it was poking through. He has two more coming through as well. One on the top and one on the bottom. It is weird to think that my little guy is going to have 3 teeth soon! He loves taking baths with Logan, unless Logan is in a crabby mood and throws a toy at his face or splashes water. He wakes up about twice a night, once to eat and once to just fuss. He goes back to sleep pretty quick the second time these days so I am getting a little more sleep!!! He has a great big smile when he looks at me.I love it! Especially when someone else is holding him and he looks at me! He is definitely a mamma's boy!!! He enjoys hanging out with his dadda though. Scott will walk him around forever! Oh yeah he loves to have you hold his hands and walk him around, just like Logan did when he was a baby! No crawling. He doesn't like to be on his stomach still. If I lay him on his belly he just rolls right on to his back. He does get around quite quickly though if you leave him alone in his room. He will roll like a crazy man all over the place. Hopefully one day he will figure out that he can go forward and not just side to side. He also eats like a mad man. I think if we let him, he would continue to eat forever!
Logan is just crazy as ever. He is talking A LOT! He repeats everything you say and then later on actually uses it in the correct context. That is still strange to me. He seems to little to really communicate. He tells the dogs what to do just like we do. "Blackie! Off the couch. Stay Chloe! Bad dogs!" Things of this nature. One day I was spying on him from the kitchen and he was talking to Chloe softly and telling her to walk down the hall with him and then said, "okaaay." and started to walk down the hall by himself. It was like Chloe spoke back to him and told him that he should walk down the hall instead. It was hilarious. He loves riding his power wheels outside but more so loves to get it stuck some where so that the tires will sit and spin without it actually moving. He also likes to peel out when riding it. He is ALL boy!
I have to say that more and more every day I love my kids more and more! I was at young women tonight for church and when I came home Logan was just about asleep. I walked in the room and he got excited and said mamma and smiled. It made me so happy inside! I snuggled up close to him and just enjoyed the moment cause I know it won't be long until he is all grown up and won't want to snuggle up close any more. :( And on the nights I work and don't get to put Wesley down for the night I am so excited when he wakes up to nurse around 11:30 so I can see his cute little face! He is still Mr. fuss pants but I wouldn't trade him for anything! He is my little Weser and I love him to death! I can't wait to watch Logan and Wesley become good brothers!
I am back to work at Cypress Restaurant two nights a week. So that means Scotty is a single daddy two nights a week with two kids! He is doing a fantastic job. The boys love their dad time anyway so its a good way to get me out of the picture.
Scott is still working at home for mainline and playing soccer whenever he gets a chance.
All in all we are doing great! We have some fun couple of months ahead of us with visitors and vacations back to Utah and up to Wisconsin to see my extended family. Hopefully I will blog about those trips and other things a little more often! Wish me luck on that!