Saturday, May 3, 2008

The Heart Beat!

When Scott and I saw the heart beat and the little nugget inside me it was the sweetest moment. We didn't get this far last year so this was a first for us. Right when we saw the little tiny heart beating, I grinned from ear to ear while Scott teared up...ahhh...he is so sensitive! We are so excited. I can't even imagine having a beautiful baby that is truly mine! I can't wait to finally understand how it feels to love your own baby.

Now it is just a waiting game until we go back to the dotor to get the next ultrasound. I am almost 12 weeks along so 6 more weeks until we hopefully get to know if we are having a boy or a girl.


the Rew Crew said...

You have just experienced one of the coolest parts of pregnancy! I love seeing/hearing that little thing beating so rapidly.


Alan said...

Congratulations on the baby!! That is so exciting!! Alan