Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Some random pictures and events!

Our night out to dinner where I ate a whole bowl of french fries!!! I think this baby is going to come out a french fry! It was great memorial day together. We hadn't really spent any time together for about a month so it was nice to just be together.

My lovely boss and friend was so generous and gave us a wii as a gift. She gave it to us because of all the work Scott has done with her son Zach. He tutors him in math. So we have been having some real quality time trying to beat each other at certain games. The one I would like to mention is basketball...why I mention that one? Let me show you.......look closely! If you can tell I am the winner! I have to mention that after this moment I scored 116 and he is still at 87!!! I am proud only because it is the only thing that I have beat him at!
Here are some highlights from our game!

Here is our attempt to create a dinner out of the ingredients we already had in our house. So I came up with potao salad and chicken casserole. Doesn't sound that great but it turned out pretty good. My picky cousins Wil and Jarrod even liked it and that is something to brag about!

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