Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Here are our wonderful doggies. They are getting calmer and calmer every day. Although when we have people visiting they go crazy, hence the 3rd picture down. I guess we are the people that get to see those clam moments!!

31 Weeks!

Here are two quick photos of my belly at almost 31 weeks!

ALERT!!!! SEPTEMBER 26th.....poloicy # 1738..VOTE YES!

So I never watch Oprah but I happened to turn it on yesterday and I am glad I did. It was a program about sexual predators. I was absolutely disgusted. I new they were out there but I didn't know how big of a network these people have with one another and also how young there targets are.....infants and up! I learned that 3 out of 4 sexual molested children know the person assaulting them.

So why am I telling you all this? Well On Sep. 26 there is a policy that is trying to get passed called..."protect our children". It will put more police on the streets by allowing more funding for this specific problem. It doesn't matter if what party you belong too. This isn't about politics, it is about children. If you go to and click on the link it will take you through the steps to contact your senators by email or mail. Write to them and beg them to vote yes on policy number 1738!!!!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Overall update!

Most of you might not know that Scott got his promotion about a month ago and he is now working home! It is so wonderful having him around. It will be even better when the baby comes because we both get to be around him all the time. His new title is a systems engineer. He configures mainframe computers for an IBM partner called Mainline. It is a wonderful company to work for.

I am still working at good old Cypress Restaurant. My last day is November 1st unless I am feeling just amazing and decide to stay a little longer. I just get nervous to stay a little longer because I don't really want to go into labor while taking someones order!!

We are almost done with the baby's room. Scott painted the walls and is in the process of putting up the chair rails. It is so cute already and it isn't even done yet. I can't wait to get all the furniture in there and decorate it.

Healthy Baby!

We had our 30 week doctor appointment and it went fabulous. Minus that I gained too much weight in the past 5 weeks again. I look small but I guess the scale says to not eat so much ice cream! His heart rate was 160 beats per minute and I past my glucose test with flying colors!!! Yeah! I also convinced my doctor to let Scott get his blood type tested so I didn't have to get a shot for being O- blood type. She asked me two questions before she agreed, "you are positive that he is O- blood? ", I said, "that is what his mom told me.", and then she asked this question while looking me right in the eyes..."and you are 100% positive that he is the father?" UH YES! I thought it was funny though cause if it were the case that you weren't positive would you answer no with him sitting right there! That would be a little awkward! Its a good thing that I am 210% positive about the answer to that question.

Anyway he is kicking like crazy but only for me. I will call for Scott to come and feel and he immediately stops. I think he can hear me calling his name and decides to be funny and make me a liar!

It has been fun getting to feel him kicking around. It is weird to think that in 8- 10 weeks we will have a little guy around us 24 hours a day! We are so excited!

Childbirth Classes

Monday night Scott and I started our childbirth classes. We have 6 more to go and then we better be prepared cause ready or not here comes our baby boy! The class was actually not as bad as I thought it was going to be. Granted it was our first class and all we did was talk! I am a bit nervous for the "practicing" part. I know it will help when the time comes but it is still a little awkward at the moment.


This is two weeks old but I thought it will work for now! Here is my belly at 28 weeks.