We had our 30 week doctor appointment and it went fabulous. Minus that I gained too much weight in the past 5 weeks again. I look small but I guess the scale says to not eat so much ice cream! His heart rate was 160 beats per minute and I past my glucose test with flying colors!!! Yeah! I also convinced my doctor to let Scott get his blood type tested so I didn't have to get a shot for being O- blood type. She asked me two questions before she agreed, "you are positive that he is O- blood? ", I said, "that is what his mom told me.", and then she asked this question while looking me right in the eyes..."and you are 100% positive that he is the father?" UH YES! I thought it was funny though cause if it were the case that you weren't positive would you answer no with him sitting right there! That would be a little awkward! Its a good thing that I am 210% positive about the answer to that question.
Anyway he is kicking like crazy but only for me. I will call for Scott to come and feel and he immediately stops. I think he can hear me calling his name and decides to be funny and make me a liar!
It has been fun getting to feel him kicking around. It is weird to think that in 8- 10 weeks we will have a little guy around us 24 hours a day! We are so excited!
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