I don't have a picture right now because I am a little busy taking care of Mr. Logan. I just wanted to let everyone know that he was born on 11/28/08 at 8:28. He was 7 lbs 9 oz and 20 inches long. We are home from the hospital and doing well. Labor was hard but a great experience. I will tell more the experience when I have a little more time!
We love Logan more than we ever could have imagined!
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Final Doctors Appointment!
Well Tues. I had my last doctors appointment! I was nervous going into this one but I don't really know why. Maybe I thought she was going to tell me I was really in labor and would need to walk across the street to the hospital to have the little guy! Who knows why?! Anyway nothing had changed. I was still at the same point with no progress. She scheduled me to be induced on Friday morning at 6 am. I am excited to know the exact time he is coming but I am nervous because being induced makes your contractions hurt even worse than they normally would. It is nice knowing though that I can prepare my house and get everything done that I want and wake up in the morning knowing I will be back with a baby! CRAZY!!
That is it for now. Next time you here from me I will be a mommy!! YEAH!!!
That is it for now. Next time you here from me I will be a mommy!! YEAH!!!
Monday, November 24, 2008
40 Weeks PLUS!
Well I am now a day over my due date. I never thought I would go OVER my due date but here I am. Today I did yard work because 1 I am bored out of my mind and two I want to be as active as possible so Logan will get come out!
We are so excited to meet the little fella!
We are so excited to meet the little fella!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
No luck at the doctors!
Well the good news of the day is that Logan is healthy. His heart rate was 140. That is exactly what it should be. My body is healthy as well so now we just play the waiting game. There was no change from the week before. I am still effaced and dilated the same as I was. ERG!!! She did strip my membranes so that is supposed to help the process a little, HOPEFULLY! If Logan doesn't come out by the 25th we get to talk about being induced. If that is the case then we will most likely be induced on the 28th or 29th. We will just have to see how things play out. I am doing everything on my part to help him come out. I am walking a LOT, doing exercises on the Wii, doing household projects to make it so I am up and down a lot, etc. So now we just have to see how long he wants to stay in that cozy little home of his!!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Logan is already stubborn!
Well I thought that by my original due date, which WAS the 17th I would have a baby in my arms but NO!!! Mr. Logan decided that he needed to be a little bit bigger before he comes out or he really doesn't want to come into this crazy world quite yet. He likes his cozy little house inside my belly! I am really hoping for a baby this week though! So everyone thing good thoughts this week for us so that Logan will have to come out!!! Tomorrow is another doctors appointment so hopefully she will say you are ready do to go!!!!
Friday, November 14, 2008
38 weeks and 4 days
Here are a few pictures of my belly. Hopefully it will only get smaller instead of bigger in the next week. My doctors appointment yesterday doesn't seem to give me high hopes for that though. :( I am fully thinned out but I am still a cm and a half dilated. She did feel the head though. That is crazy to think about!! I know he will come out when he is good and ready so I am not going to rush him. We are just happy that he is healthy!!! And by the way that is not my belly button sticking out...just my tie on my strings. I don't' have an outty yet!!!

Friday, November 7, 2008
38 week update!
A week and a half ago we went to our doctors appointment and she told me that I was 30% effaced and 1/2 cm dilated. Granted this didn't mean I was popping out a baby any time soon but it did mean that the process had begun. This weeks appointment was even better, 70% effaced and 1 and 1/2 cm dilated. Nice and slow and I am ok with that. For one reason Scott is in Orlando for work until Sat. so I really don't want anything to happen while he is gone and two I have heard that slow labors are much better to cope with than short ones. It doesn't sound right but it makes sense when someone explains why.
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