Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Logan is already stubborn!

Well I thought that by my original due date, which WAS the 17th I would have a baby in my arms but NO!!! Mr. Logan decided that he needed to be a little bit bigger before he comes out or he really doesn't want to come into this crazy world quite yet. He likes his cozy little house inside my belly! I am really hoping for a baby this week though! So everyone thing good thoughts this week for us so that Logan will have to come out!!! Tomorrow is another doctors appointment so hopefully she will say you are ready do to go!!!!

1 comment:

janae said...

Oh, man do I feel for you!! Seara's original due date was July 15th, and even though they bumped me back two and a half weeks, I was still hoping for the 15th. Thirteen days later she came. And I about died those three days I went overdue with Enoch! I'm crossing my fingers for you!