Here is Kaitlyn. She thinks it is funny to take pictures of people when they are taking pictures so I thought I'd do the same.
Here is the back of David's head. I didn't do so well on this one. Sorry!
Here is Scotty! It was nice having company in the back!

This is what we did to pass the time! Thanks for the heart Kaitlyn. It came in handy! I think Logan will appreciate this picture one day!
He seemed to enjoy it. Granted I couldn't really reach him because the mattress was almost touching the ground and the bars were tall. I had Scotty put him down for the night so I wouldn't accidentally drop him in. He slept all night in his hotel crib! He actually has started to sleep through the night. It is nice. I still wake him up to feed him though. That is for my sake not his...that is a long story but it is necessary for now. He barely wakes up though when he eats and goes right back down.

So we drove down Friday and drove back on Sat. night. We stayed in a pretty nice hotel. We were going to just put Logan on the second bed but it ended up that they didn't have any rooms available with two beds so they gave us a crib.

Anywho, we went out to dinner on Friday night at a restaurant called Mimi's Cafe. It was pretty nice. We wanted to go to The Cheese Cake Factory or PF Chang's but they both had an hour and a half wait. We were all too hungry to wait that long so we found Mimi's. That was Scott's birthday dinner. We got dessert to celebrate but it was horrible. Scott actually said it was the worst apple cobbler he had ever had! Boo! That's OK though. That following Monday he got to play a long session of Birthday Halo with David so he was OK.
On Scott's actual birthday went to the temple TOGETHER! It was so nice! There was a line out the door to get in the temple. I had never seen that before! It made me smile though. While we were in the temple, David and Kaitlyn watched Logan. They said that he was very good for them. Minus peeing on them and the back of the car. He is tricky like that. Ya have to see it before it comes and that takes time!! He was kind enough to wait until it was David and Kaitlyn's turn to go into the temple to drop a load and a half for his parents!!! At least I didn't put my whole finger in it...Scott!! He went to check to see if he was poopy and he was surprised to find it all over his finger!I have learned not check like that. I look very carefully first to see if there is a brown tint to the diaper, then I very carefully peek inside. Any way, we changed his diaper and got him in a new outfit and shortly after he wet his diaper and spit up all over so it was on to another new outfit. Good thing I over packed else we would of had a naked car ride home! (Just Logan of course...get your mind out of the gutter!!!)
After the temple we met part of David's family for lunch at the Olive Garden. I stayed for my appetizer and then had to go to the car to feed Logan. Afterwards we were on the road again. We stopped at Kaitlyn's brother's house again to feed Logan and give him a break. We met her niece and nephew who are very cute! We again had an explosion while feeding. Usually Logan only poops every 3 days but I guess he decided that he likes to potty while on vacation! Yippee!
The last 2 hour stretch Logan didn't sleep. He just held me and Scott's fingers while wiggling. He wasn't really fussy, just awake.
Overall it was a fun trip. We got to know David and Kaitlyn a little better and I am sure vice versa. I especially love Kaitlyn's singing! I told her one day she will get to know my car dancing but I don't think that will be for awhile. See I'm really not a good dancer so its embarrassing but Kaitlyn actually has a good voice so it isn't embarrassing for her.