Just typing the words to the title of this post brought me to tears. How do you put in words how much you love your child?! Just looking at Logan, awake or asleep brings the biggest smile to my face. It is like I just can't get enough of him. I think my favorite part about being a mom is that I am finally the one that gets to comfort the child...because I AM THE MOM!! I love that when he gets scared I can pick him up and he feels comfort. I felt that more today than ever because he had his first shots. He cried so hard but then I got to pick him up and he stopped. I love that when he is tired and fussy I can hold him and he will calm down and fall asleep, granted that is probably because I give him what he wants....MILKA MILK! I love that when I sing our made up songs he smiles and laughs. My favorite song that we sing is one that Scott made up. I came in the room one day and Scott was singing these words to the 99 bottles of beer on the wall tune........Logan Logan Logan, Logan the popsicle. We left him in the sun too long and now he's a popsicle stick!!! Try singing it...its fun!
I have so much more appreciation for moms...especially mine. I can't tell you how great of a mom I have. I hope that I can be half the mom that she was and is. I wish I could remember her rocking me to sleep and comforting me as an infant because I am sure I just loved it. I do remember the comfort she has given me as a young child and as an adult and I have to say I couldn't have made it through life with out her. I am so grateful that my kids get to have a grandma like my mom and grandma Pat. Logan is a lucky little boy. He won't understand just how much grandma Pat loves him until he is old enough to understand that she wants a web cam to see his little face as much as possible.
It really is wonderful to be a mother, huh?! It wasn't until I had kids that I realized that motherhood is the ultimate pay-it-forward situation. You will never truly understand or appreciate what your mother did for you, nor will your kids truly understand and appreciate you. But, you can try to give what your mother gave to you to your children, and they in turn will give it to theirs. Isn't that beautiful?!
We're getting it while we're out there.
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