Sunday, April 3, 2011

Wesly's First Steps! 11 Months old.

I wrote this about a month ago and thought I posted it but I guess not.

I know I don't blog often but I thought Wesley's first steps were worth documenting. He turns 11 months old tomorrow and took his first solid steps today. He absolutely loves it! He hasn't tried to crawl and inch and that is because he has been putting all his effort into learning how to walk. Maybe it is because he sees his crazy brother Logan running around like a crazy man! I think he is always going to try and do what Logan is doing! Hopefully that will be a good thing (cross your fingers)!

Wesley also is one of the craziest eaters Scott and I have ever seen. We will give him a LARGE plate of food, more than Logan mind you and he will scrape the plate. Then we give him a serving of fruit and some snacks and at the end he normally is still screaming for more food. He especially can't handle not eating if ANY body around him is eating. That makes it a little rough for eating out. He will have eaten a huge dinner and look around to other tables and see the food and freak out! We think he thinks it is his job to eat all food he sees!

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